This is year has been a hard year for me. I have not managed to draw as much as I’d planned to. Life sadly threw some dreadful curve balls at me.

First I lost somebody so very dear to my heart in March, they were my life, then in August I had to move house. Two of the most stressful things to happen in any bodies life happened to me.

I had to put my drawing on hold and put my energy into moving home while also dealing with grief.

But back in April 2023 I finished these lovely zebras. I never had chance to put them up on here so here they are. I hope you like them.

I drew these following Bonny Snowdon’s Academy Tuesday Art Club. I did get behind with them but when I felt I had the energy to draw, I just lost myself for a brief moment in drawing.

They are drawn on Clairfontaine Pastelemat, using Faber-Castell Polychromo coloured pencils. Also some Caran D’ache Pablo pencils.

Till next time,

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