I wasn’t well at the start of this week and nearly missed this weeks art club with the Bonny Snowdon academy, but I’m so glad I pushed through the desire to stay in bed on Tuesday.
It actually made me focus on my art and not mope and feel story for myself. I felt very proud of myself that I made the effort and kept up and finished my drawing of the ear.
When I scanned in the finished drawing, so that I have a digital copy, in case I damage or lose it in the future, I remembered I’d not scanned in the Lips I did last year in art club so I did that to.
I would never have thought this time last year in 2022, that I’d ever have been able to draw anything let a lone these 2 pieces. Drawing anything at all was never on my radar.
So here they both are…..

Surface: White pastelmat
Tutorial: Bonny Snowdon Academy
Image size: 8×4.67cm

Surface: White pastelmat
Tutorial: Bonny Snowdon Academy
Image size: 8.17×12.52cm approximate size
Now I’m going back to finishing my Chocolate Labrador off.
Next week in the Bonny Snowdon Academy Art Club on Tuesday we are starting the Cavalier Spaniel which I have to say I’m apprehensive about because when I did the foundation course in the academy I hated the long curly fur, with a passion, so much so I never finished it and it still looks at me on my whiteboard in my attic room.
I printed off my line art yesterday ready and decided to actually trace over it on some more printer paper so that I can rub the lines out as I go where needed.
This one will be on drafting film so you place the film over the top of your line art and draw over it. But because the line art was printed from a printer it’s impossible to erase and it can be off putting seeing those lines on lighter areas as you draw, I find your eye gets drawn to the those lines so if need be I will be able to just lift up the drafting film and rub them out.
I’m so looking forward to having a go, time to try a different surface for a while. I do love pastlemat but I’m having problems with the tooth reemerging on the chocolate lab but I know with practice I will get over that problem.
Till next time, happy drawing,