I’m so pleased with my latest finish.
The chocolate Labrador, those leaves were a nightmare but it was the last part to the finish so I had keep the faith and work on them today.
This tutorial was a huge learning curve for me. There were times I knew exactly what colour I needed.
This encourages me so much, that what I’m learning is staying in my head. Making it so much easier than when I first started drawing, back in the Summer of 2022.
The only downside I find is that I’m struggling to get rid of the graininess on the pastelmat surface, but the more I use pastelmat the more I’ll learn to squash the tooth down with more layers.
Photo credit: Yanneke Stam
Surface: Off white pastlemat
Image size: 30cm
Tutorial by Bonny Snowdon Academy
I hope you like my finished portrait.
I can do this. I’m loving it. I’ve found a hobby that I create something individual.